
Tales of symphonia colette compound skills
Tales of symphonia colette compound skills

tales of symphonia colette compound skills

Use a Tetra Slash combo against him, and then block his retaliation. If you're good at blocking, I suggest confronting the boss. Name: Vidaar Location: Martel Temple HP: 4000 TP: 30 W: None R: None EXP: 115 Gald: 25 Item(s) found: Life Bottle For the first boss of the game, he's pretty damn powerful, so you have two options: Either stand back and throw Demon Fangs until you run out of TP, or you can directly confront the boss. With those multiple enemy boss battles that have the layout of the main boss with his/her/its underlings, kill the underlings first.

tales of symphonia colette compound skills

In boss battles with multiple enemies, separate them and defeat them one by one instead of en masse. He will most likely die if he does that, especially in boss battles. When he runs out of TP, NEVER let him run up to enemies and hit them. His magic is powerful, and he's the only pure magic caster in the game. Genis is excellent for exploiting weaknesses, so he's a good choice for a party member. Don't go into a boss fight without her, except for very few cases. She has incredible healing spells and great support skills. They're a great way of knocking bosses out of their attacks. ) - Basics - This section is dedicated to the basic things I did for these bosses: -Once you acquire the Sword Rain techs with Lloyd, you'll want to use them constantly. Item(s) Found: Any item the boss drops after battle.

tales of symphonia colette compound skills

Experience (EXP): The amount of experience (EXP) gained. Resistance (R): Any Resistance from any element. Weakness (W): Any weakness to any element. Tech Points (TP): The amount of points the boss has available to use Techs. Once it depletes to 0, he/she/it will be defeated. Hit Points (HP): The amount of health the boss has.  - Boss Details - This is how the whole format of the stats and whatnot of the bosses is like: Boss Name: Name of the boss. DecemVersion 1.15 I added SuperCheats and Neoseekers to my Thanks list, since they accepted my FAQ to their websites. I also fixed some spelling errors and added some more info on Abyssion. ) DecemVersion 1.13 I added the FAQ section of the walkthrough. This is the first version to go up on GameFAQS. NovemVersion 1.0 I added the strategies in the "Extra Bosses" category.

tales of symphonia colette compound skills

 SeptemFinished all the strategies for the non-optional bosses. I'm most definitely gonna finish this FAQ before this month ends. I've completed up to the battle with Pronyma in the Tower of Salvation. SeptemI plan to finish this FAQ after several more days. :P School started on August 30, and I've been forgetting about this FAQ until now. AugYay, my second day writing this FAQ! I did strategies up to Volt. I completed the strategies for all the bosses up until Iubaris. Maybe some extra things - Version History -AugI put the introduction and the beginning parts together.

#Tales of symphonia colette compound skills how to

So, if you want to know how to beat a boss for "Tales of Symphonia", here are my strategies. Since this is a guide specifically to the game's many bosses, it will go as in- depth as possible on that specific topic. Thanks - Introduction - This is a guide to the excellent RPG "Tales of Symphonia", created by Namco. The Fugitive/The Judged/The Neglected 41. Boss Guide Version: 1.16 Created by: Andrea Petriella (e-mail: Version Date: Contents A.

Tales of symphonia colette compound skills